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People Amaze Me
I spent a night in Surfers Paradise, and then two nights in Brisbane before I headed up to Cairns this morning. I got up a little late, did not have my coffee, and had one of those mornings where things just did not go well, like when the name of the movies you watched DO show up on the bill....NO Cindy, I did not watch 'Fun on the Farm' 12 times...anyway, I was getting into my car when the Valet asked me where I was from.

He then shook my hand and thanked me and the American people for liberating Afganistan. He thanked me for allowing little girls to go to school and learn, he thanked me for allowing educated people to speak their mind without fear of persecution. He gave me a "god bless" and closed my door before he walked away. I sat there with my hands on the wheel thinking how inconsequential something like not having my morning coffee is.

Sometimes people amaze me.

So I am off tomorrow to scuba dive for 5 days with Mike Ball and his live aboard staff. Below is the link to his site, and the dive profile I will be on. Looks incredible! Sorry but I have already offered to name the first Whale Shark I see after a friend who just got engaged!

Mike Ball Expeditions